Reference material

What are DECs?

Display Energy Certificates (DECs) are being introduced for display on certain public buildings. Affected buildings will need a DEC by 1st October 2008.

What are DECs

Why are DECs being introduced?

Display energy certificates (DECs) are being introduced to raise public awareness of energy use and to provide the public with energy information about a building they are visiting.

Why are DECs being introduced

What is a Display Energy Certificate?

A display energy certificate (DEC) shows the energy performance of a building based on its actual annual energy consumption and the CO2 emissions that result from that energy use.

What is a Display Energy Certificate

Which buildings are affected?

The list of buildings covered by the DEC requirement are mentioned in this article, for buildings greater than 1,000 m2.

Which buildings are affected

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We, at Redrow Homes, have been using Watt for the past few years.

They have always delivered promptly; meeting our sometimes demanding timescales without failure.

Anthony Smith, Senior Projects
Co-Ordinator at Redrow Homes Ltd

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We have been working with Watt for several years now and their involvement in our business has grown steadily due to the fact that they consistently continue to provide excellent, cost effective advice and have an ability to articulate complicated aspects of mechanical and electrical design implications to their client in such a way as it is understandable and as such effective decisions can be taken.

They have assisted us with design advice, performance specifications, EPCs and more recently targetting Net Zero Carbon and the evolving green agenda. Most importantly from my perspective, they are a very personable set of people who can integrate well into design teams and deliver first class advice.

Tom Fenton, Project Director
Far East Consortium International Limited

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I have worked with Watt Energy & Consulting for over three years and found them to be very responsive.

We are constantly under pressure to deliver on SAP, Part L assessments, and Energy reports and with Watts’ close support on numerous occasions, have been impressed with their continued high level of performance and keeping to deadlines.

Paul Levitt, MEP Manager
Allenbuild Ltd South East

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We, at Redrow Homes, have been using Watt for the past few years.

They have always delivered promptly; meeting our sometimes demanding timescales without failure.

Anthony Smith, Senior Projects
Co-Ordinator at Redrow Homes Ltd

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We have been working with Watt for several years now and their involvement in our business has grown steadily due to the fact that they consistently continue to provide excellent, cost effective advice and have an ability to articulate complicated aspects of mechanical and electrical design implications to their client in such a way as it is understandable and as such effective decisions can be taken.

They have assisted us with design advice, performance specifications, EPCs and more recently targetting Net Zero Carbon and the evolving green agenda. Most importantly from my perspective, they are a very personable set of people who can integrate well into design teams and deliver first class advice.

Tom Fenton, Project Director
Far East Consortium International Limited