About Us
Watt Energy & Consulting Engineers have an excellent reputation for delivering efficient and cost-effective low carbon mechanical and electrical design packages across a broad range of public and private sectors.
With a proven track record across the North West and throughout the UK, our friendly and committed team take great pride in providing a service which carries out all aspects of mechanical and electrical design engineering from conception to completion.
Our highly skilled consultants believe working closely as a team and effective communication with the Client, architect, and structural engineer is essential to drive a coordinated, efficient MEP and structural solution
Watt became part of Civic in November 2024 through a shared vision of having a positive impact on the environment and enabling people to lead happier and healthier lives. We believe that sustainable design is paramount, regardless of the size or nature of a development. We champion sustainable, low carbon design and prove time and again that significant savings can be made when environmental issues are embraced and explored at an early stage.
We know that peace of mind is key to our clients, which is why we provide a single point of contact at Director level across all aspects of a project, ensuring that our clients know exactly who they can contact, whether their query concerns energy calculations, mechanical or electrical design, planning, environmental issues or whether just for a general update.
Our ethos is that our clients employ us as their MEP consultants and we will strive to resolve any M&E related issues as quickly and flexibly as possible.
We understand that the only certain thing in Construction is that the unexpected will, and does, happen. We believe that these are the times when we can stand up to be counted.
About Civic
Civic is a team of system thinkers across the built environment. Civic and its companies exist to have a positive impact on the environment and enable people to lead happier and healthier lives. The parent company to Civic Engineers, Civic Heritage, Civic Earth, Civic (Ireland) and New Practice seeks to provide complementary services offerings and opportunities for growth, with the ultimate aim of achieving greater social and environmental impact so clients can benefit from an increased variety of services and exceptional quality project work.
With studios in Manchester, London, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dublin, Civic has a team of over 160.

Health and safety
Health, Safety and Welfare at work
Both employer and individual employees have legal obligations to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, everyone’s health, safety and welfare at work.
The company has a duty of care towards its employees; however it is necessary that, as with any successful community, each individual takes a share of responsibility towards the group as a whole. The Health and Safety Policy outlines our commitment towards this.
The company will take all reasonable steps within its power to:
- Comply with the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act (1974), associated regulations and any other relevant health and safety legislation.
- Maintain safe access to a healthy and risk free work place.
- Ensure plant and machinery are safe and that safe systems of work are set and followed.
- Ensure that articles and substances are moved, stored and used safely.
- Provide adequate welfare facilities.
- Provide sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees to avoid hazards and to contribute positively to the health and safety of everyone while at work.
- Comply fully with the requirement for elected safety representatives and training to fulfil their functions. Details of elected safety representatives will be displayed on notice boards.
- Ensure employees are fully trained & competent

Environmental policy
Watt Energy & Consulting Engineers acknowledges its contribution, as a consumer of resources, to the growing global environmental burden and recognises its responsibility to future generations by undertaking business practices that promote sustainable development.
Our Environmental Policy shall earn the confidence of employees, shareholders, customers and the general public by demonstrating our commitment to comply with relevant environmental legislation and minimise pollution, resource use and waste though the continual improvement of performance in all areas of the business.
Watt Energy & Consulting Engineers recognises the need to operate in a manner that reflects good environmental management.
We will:
- Identify environmental impacts that Watt Energy & Consulting Engineers contributes to and how to manage these, including: Energy consumption, Company vehicle usage, Waste minimisation.
- Monitor and review environmental impacts and emissions in accordance with regulatory compliance.
- Demonstrate control of all our operations and ensure that all are performed with due consideration of the environment.
- Consistently increase the awareness and provide necessary training to all our employees and customers to ensure environmentally responsible concepts are integrated into their normal working practices.
- Use products that have a negligible environmental impact, where appropriate options exist.
- Minimise the storage and use of all articles and substances, where appropriate. • Reduce our consumption of resources (energy, materials, packaging), where feasible.
- Minimise waste through a commitment to reuse, recover or recycle, where feasible.
- Identify routes for the storage, transfer and disposal of controlled waste under Duty of Care.
- Identify, prevent and mitigate against potential accidents that could result in an environmental impact, so that if an accident did occur the consequences would be minimised.
- Promote continual improvement by regularly monitoring and reviewing our environmental performance.
It is our duty to ensure that good environmental management is practised in all projects that we are involved in and we will seek to influence customers to demonstrate a positive environmental commitment.
Watt Energy & Consulting Engineers will communicate the Environmental Policy to all employees and contractors, and it will be freely available to customers, shareholders and the general public.