Reference material
Some useful articles to help you with your air conditioning inspection.
Why air conditioning inspections are required
Having your air conditioning system inspected by an Energy Assessor is designed to improve efficiency and reduce the electricity consumption, operating costs and carbon emissions for your system.
When is an air conditioning inspection required?
All air conditioning systems with an effective rated output of more than 12kw must be regularly inspected by an Energy Assessor. The inspections must be a maximum of five years apart.
Systems requiring an air conditioning inspection
Only air conditioning systems with an effective rated output of more than 12kW are affected by these regulations.
Responsibilities for ensuring inspections are done
If you control the operation of an air conditioning system affected by these Regulations, it is your responsibility.
What does an air conditioning survey cover?
The inspection will examine the refrigeration and air movement equipment that are part of air conditioning systems, and their controls.
Penalties for not having an air conditioning inspection report
Local authorities (usually by their Trading Standards Officers) are responsible for enforcing the requirements relating to air conditioning inspection reports.
What can I expect in the report?
The purpose of the inspection and report is to ensure that building owners or managers are provided with basic information regarding the efficiency of the air conditioning systems that they control, together with advice on how the energy efficiency or effectiveness of these systems might be improved.
What a report must contain
The inspection report must include an assessment of the efficiency of the system and its size compared to the cooling requirements of the building.