What is a SAP rating?
The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), is used by the government to determine the energy efficiency of a dwelling. Ratings range from 1 to 100 and the higher the SAP score, the more energy efficient the property.
SAP ratings are based on the energy costs for space and water heating. They establish a means for both the home owner and purchaser to understand the running costs and environmental impact of the property. In our current climate these constitute strong selling and markeing points for all homes. The SAP rating is a legal requirement enforced by the government through building control to be applied to all new dwellings.
The assessment method SAP also establishes the domestic route of compliancy for the Approved Document Part L, the Conservation of Fuel and Power. It is an integral part of the government’s latest white paper to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in line with the Kyoto Agreement.
To be comparable for all properties, the SAP rating is adjusted to floor area, so that it is essentially independent of dwelling size. It takes into account the following range of factors, which contribute to energy consumption:
- Thermal insulation of the building fabric
- Efficiency and control of the heating system
- Ventilation characteristics of the dwelling
- Solar gain characteristics of the dwelling
- The fuel used for space and water heating
Further information
For suggestions aimed at developers to improve the SAP rating of a dwelling, please refer to our tips and advice section.